Best Five stage recruitment process as in E2E recruitment

5 Stages Process To Hire Top-Talents

Recruiting top talents can be troubling for hiring managers, rigorous for talent sources, and, if ineptly managed, overwhelming for recruiters. That’s why you will find some of the best recruitment agencies in India caught up in different web trying to simplify the end-to-end recruitment process.

E2E recruitment involves the whole process of finding the right candidate for an organization from start to finish. It’s a five-stage recruitment strategy that in-house teams and recruitment agencies use to identify, attract, and hire the best and most suitable candidates.

The E2E recruitment process has been about an end-to-end recruitment approach that leads to the successful onboarding of selected candidates. While this remains unchanged, new recruitment trends such as remote hiring and hybrid-first workplaces call for a subtle rethink of the core ideas behind the five-stage process.

The E2E Five-Stage Recruitment Process

First Stage: Preparation and planning.

They say a journey of a thousand miles always begins with a step, but the first step only counts when you make it past the finish line. Planning and preparation is the first stage of the E2E recruitment process—and in some ways, the last; it involves all aspects of the E2E recruitment process.
Unfortunately, some of the best recruitment agencies in India go about the preparation and planning stage in an employer-centric pattern with no regard for potential employees.

For these agencies, as soon as the need to find top talents arises, recruiters immerse themselves in defining the ideal candidate, estimating client budgets, drafting recruitment metrics, and doing everything possible to satisfy the employer – forgetting that the potential employee also has needs.

Being employer-centric is not the best option when recruiting top talent speedily. That’s to say, you can’t afford to be employer-centric at the expense of potential employees – you require a balanced equation.

 Since the preparation and planning phase covers everything, from the opening advertisement and interview to negotiation, offer, onboarding, and billing, you can avoid a disappointing E2E recruitment process by drafting a planning and preparation strategy that is balanced to simplify and proposes a symmetrical roadmap.

Second Stage: Sourcing candidates

Since you invested duly in the planning and preparation phase – setting the correct data in your CRM, profiling ideal candidates, creating descriptive job ads, and drafting a sustainable strategy – sourcing candidates, shouldn’t be a problem.

Sourcing candidates involves putting out descriptive job ads across multiple job boards and social platforms, believing ideal individuals will apply. This is the phase where talent sources establish apparent must-haves and nice-to-haves.

The success of this phase depends on how well recruitment coordinators position their ads to develop the human appeal needed to get top talent to apply for the job.

For a smooth and seamless sourcing process, metrics must be accurate, and every hand must be on deck. Recruiters, interviewers, hiring managers, and recruitment coordinators need to genuinely collaborate with the talent sources. And, when applicable, reach out to their network for referrals.

Bear in mind that your job ad’s descriptive and accurate nature determines efficiency at this stage.

So apart from the intuitive and descriptive job ads used in sourcing candidates from local talent pools, we recommend you buck up the sourcing process by investing in smart job posting strategies such as social media hashtags and appealing job descriptions.

Stage Three: Screening & Selection

At this point, you have a handful of resumes to work with it. But maybe a handful still throws you off balance. The screening process can help you slash the available resumes to a designated number of suitable profiles that best match the job role.

The screening process entirely depends on the recruiters’ understanding of the jobs’ roles and requirements. By noting the necessary skills, you can scan the highly skilled candidates and sort out the matching resumes with the jobs’ essential and mandatory requirements. How efficiently you perform this screening process directly affects your conversion rates.

After screening comes selection; selection is among the five-stage recruitment processes requiring rigorous work. Selection involves face-to-face interviews to determine candidate suitability and work readiness.

Some of the best recruitment agencies in India regard the selection phase as the most demanding because it’s a two-way process. During selection, you must ensure the candidate has the skills, credibility, and work ethics to meet employers’ needs without jeopardizing candidature experience.

If your E2E recruitment selection strategy is not employer/employee-centric, selection can become tiring— leading to extra expense, additional hiring time, or, worst-case scenario, wrong hire.

For an excellent selection process, recruiters must learn to inspect candidates for hard skills and soft skills. Interviewers need to pay attention to the applicant’s behavioral patterns, ethical dilemmas, choice of words, body language, and other similar factors.

Soft skills such as collaboration, teamwork, creativity, adaptability, persuasion, and time management are stringent selection requirements to help you get the ball rolling. But even with these demanding selection criteria in mind, know that you can’t afford to jeopardize candidature experience.

Stage Four: Hiring

By this stage, you must have spoken with all the candidates, weighed their expertise, and worked ethics in line with the overall company goal, mission, and vision; skimped through the data, validated their credibility, and have at least three suitable candidates; it’s time to make the tough call; hiring.

 Hiring is not the most daunting phase of the E2E five-stage recruitment process, but a simple mistake here can cost you everything.

The best recruitment agencies in India enjoy a polished and frictionless E2E recruitment process because, before hiring, they invest in data that pinpoints the potentials and aspirations of each candidate, eliminating undue difficulties.

For a flawless E2E recruitment process, you must promote a positive candidate experience. Try to maintain an open schedule, keep a close tab on preferred candidates as you sort through the data, inform them of important dates and deadlines, and most importantly, provide detailed guidance/support.

Stage Five: Onboarding

We all know how disorienting the first day at a new workplace can be—especially in an environment void of familiar faces.

Many recruitment vendors make the mistake of thinking the E2E recruitment process is complete as soon as they find a candidate with the right skill and experience. Don’t make that mistake—an inefficient onboarding process dampens the credibility of the other stages of E2E recruitment.

After sending preferred candidates an official hiring letter, keep them posted via open communication lines. You need to make new employees feel like they are part of the team from the get-go. Send your new employee an email covering everything to expect from the new workplace. In many organizations, the hiring managers or the assigned mentors have regular catch up sessions over call or coffee meets, during the offered candidates’ notice period.

Get all the paperwork ready, pick an appropriate mentor, make room for social introduction, and, if possible, onboard them with your systems in advance. You can also spice things up by offering a welcome kit containing a company mug, local hotspot information, a branded t-shirt, or other such interesting goodies.

The goal is to implement strategies that help new employees fluidly adapt to the new environment, company culture, and team members, so they can smoothly integrate into the workforce without tripping over their own feet.

Get E2E Recruitment For Your Business With EliteRecruitments

Are you ready to revolutionize your recruitment process to hire the top talents?

With EliteRecruitments, you can experience the power of a five-stage E2E recruitment process that will help you find the best talent for your organization. Our team of experienced recruiters will work with you to understand your needs and screen out the best candidates. Onboard your new hires with us.

Contact us to discover how we can assist you in accomplishing your hiring objectives.


Finding and hiring top talent is crucial for organizational success. While the five stages of the end-to-end (E2E) recruitment process are rigorous, effective communication with candidates and clients at each step can ease it. The five-stage E2E recruitment process provides a structured approach to securing the best candidates for your company.

By partnering with EliteRecruitments, you gain access to a team of experienced recruitment professionals who are committed to streamlining your hiring process. Our comprehensive services encompass every aspect of recruitment– from candidate sourcing to interviewing and onboarding.

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