11 Tactics to Attract Diverse Employees and Get A Bang Out of Your Recruitment Efforts

In a time marked by labor shortages and hailed as the great resignation, diversity recruitment strategies reinvent the wheel and introduce palpable energy to the hiring process. However, decades of reliance on homogenous workforces sway the best diversity recruiting efforts. Finding potential employees with the right characteristics for good performance while ensuring these candidates come …

Breaking the Barrier: Diversity and Inclusion in Actuarial Recruitment

Diversity and inclusion in actuarial recruitment is an essential issue that requires attention in the actuarial profession. According to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), there is a significant under-representation of women and Black, Asian, and minority ethnic (BAME) individuals in senior roles within financial services. Similarly, the Society of Actuaries (SOA) and the Casualty Actuarial …

Best Five stage recruitment process as in E2E recruitment

Recruiting top talents can be troubling for hiring managers, rigorous for talent sources, and, if ineptly managed, overwhelming for recruiters. That’s why you will find some of the best recruitment agencies in India caught up in different web trying to simplify the end-to-end recruitment process. E2E recruitment involves the whole process of finding the right …

Tech Hiring Boom in India and challenges faced by HR

The pandemic accelerated digitization in India, causing an upswing in demand for tech hiring. So it’s okay for anyone skilled in coding, machine language, arithmetic modeling, or even folks good at operating strategic growth HR tools to confidently walk into any internet café, update their CV/resume, and mail to as many job openings as possible. …

How To Attract & Retain Employees In 2022

Every business needs its employees to complete their work on time to upscale their business. However, after the pandemic hit, the working sector has witnessed a growing trend termed the “Great Resignation.” As the pandemic continued, employees voluntarily left their jobs en masse, despite the high unemployment rate.  Every business requires employees to get the …

Want Diversity? Emphasizing the Nuances of Diversity Recruitment

If you agree that a company is only as good as its employees, you would’ve noticed that monolithic employees easily regurgitate ideas.  A homogenous workforce—employees from the same religious, cultural, or ethnic background— tend to deploy the same old ideas when tackling new challenges. As a result, they don’t see the need for new perspectives …